During the month of May, the cities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina and Linhares hosted the thematic seminars that kicked off the program of the 6th Pilgrimage of Water and Land. The meetings were promoted by the Diocese of Colatina in those municipalities in the state of Espírito Santo directly affected by the mud that completely polluted the Rio Doce.  Among the objectives of the debate are issues related to the environment, with emphasis on the collapse of the tailings dam in Mariana (MG) in November 2015, which was central to the dialog with the communities and populations affected. 

With the theme “Rio Doce Basin, our common home” and the motto “In the beginning, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters”, the sixth edition of the event was organized by the Diocese of Colatina as a process of raising awareness, mobilization and participation of faith communities and the whole of society in order to look at human life and the planet within a mystique of care and fraternity. Along with this construction, Adai was invited by Bishop Laurindo to be present and to be part of the table spaces during the seminars.  

The Bishop of Colatina, Monsignor Lauro, said that he welcomed the request for the pilgrimage in the Diocese of Colatina with great joy, as this is the first time that an edition of the Pilgrimage of Water and Land has been held in Espírito Santo. “We couldn’t be left out, because the Rio Doce runs through the whole diocese. We welcomed the proposal and there was enthusiasm from the priests and close collaborators. The event is a process of mobilization, awareness-raising and deepening of issues related to the Rio Doce. Here in the city, many people are affected, but not everyone is as aware of what the disaster meant, which is the biggest socio-environmental tragedy in Brazil […] We need other perspectives, an integral ecology, which is presented by Pope Francis in the encyclical Laudato Si’, which talks about caring for our common home,” he said.  

The seminars were attended by experts, who recalled the environmental crime that hit the Rio Doce basin in November 2015 and presented scientific opinions on the climate, indigenous leaders and people affected, who gave testimonies and raised a discussion about the relationship between native peoples and nature.   

On the occasion, Adai,  was represented by the technical coordinators of each territory. Hugo Rocha, Adai’s territorial coordinator in the municipality of Colatina, pointed out that the consultancy had been invited to present technical data on the disaster process. “It’s very important for us at the Independent Technical Advisory Body for those affected to take part in the pilgrimage, to present our technical advice and also to be able to contribute to the debate on building full reparations, which is the right of those affected by the Samarco dam collapse,” he said.  


Closing of the pilgrimage  

On June 18, in Regencia, on the coast of Linhares, where the Rio Doce flows into the sea, the pilgrimage will come to an end, with caravans from Minas Gerais and the whole of Espírito Santo expected.  


Closing program 

Time: start at 7 a.m. with a welcome in Regencia’s main square 

 – Holy Mass  

️- Walk along the mouth of the Rio Doce  

– Placing the cross  

– Exhibitions, experiences and cultural performances