The Interstate Agricultural Development Association (Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola Interestadual – ADAI), a private non-profit legal entity, registered with the CNPJ under No. 92.413.350/0001-06, with headquarters at Av. Nove de Julho, 160 – CONJ 2E – Centro – SP, makes public the selection process for professionals to compose the CV database in order to enable hiring based on the demands for work within the scope of the Technical Advisory Project for Socioeconomic Development of Communities Affected by the Breakdown of the Fundão Dam located in the Territories of the state of Espírito Santo: as a way of promoting and realizing violated rights, participation and communication, in order to work in the following regions of the state of Espírito Santo: Baixo Guandu (9), Colatina and Marilândia (10), Regência (13), Povoação (14), Linhares (15) and Macrorregião Litoral Norte (16), in activities related to the full reparation of losses and damages resulting from the socio-environmental disaster of the Fundão Dam collapse that occurred in 2015 in the city of Mariana-MG. 

Registration link: 

Access the full notice at: 20231017_EDITAL_ATI_ADAI_RIO DOCE_ Nº_032023.pdf