The ATI is an achievement for the affected population after seven years of seeking compensation for damages suffered after the collapse of the Fundão dam in Mariana, on the Rio Doce. 


On Friday afternoon (17), the Independent Technical Advisory Body (Assessoria Técnica Independente – ATI) of the Interstate Agricultural Development Association (Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola Interestadual – Adai), elected to work with and for those affected by dams in Espírito Santo, will be presented at a plenary session in the Legislative Assembly of the state of Espírito Santo. The event is organized by the External Commission for the Supervision of Dam Breaches / Reparations Mariana and Brumadinho.


Lidiene Cardoso, Adai’s institutional coordinator, believes that this meeting is a milestone. “Adai was invited by the organizers of the public hearing to be present with all the technical staff currently hired,  together with the families affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam. This will be a milestone in the implementation of the advisory service, as it will be a moment to meet with the hands that built this achievement of advising those affected. Therefore, we will be at this ceremony, which is a celebration of this victory, and is also a reaffirmation of the organization’s commitment to the struggle of the affected populations,” he said.


It is worth noting that Adai’s ATI is made up of more than a hundred technicians from different areas, such as legal, health, communication, pedagogical, among others, who will work with the affected population in the  territories of the Rio Doce valley and the ES coast. The team’s mission is to help affected people participate in the process of repairing the serious economic, social and environmental consequences caused by the collapse of the Fundão dam in Minas Gerais in 2015.


For the coordinator of the Baixo Guandu territory, Franklin Santos, the technical assistance arrived late in the state and with a reduced team in view of the needs already identified in each municipality, but it is still a victory for those affected. 


“The arrival of the ATI in the territories is the step that materializes the people’s right to participate, monitor and evaluate the execution of the reparations for the damage caused by the dam collapse. We know that communities are very tired, which can sometimes lead to demobilization and disbelief in the process. However, the ATI will contribute to the return of the mobilization of the people and, based on the technical quality made available to them, facilitate the construction of understandings and decisions. The presentation made at the Assembly is a milestone in the struggle of the people affected. It’s a public demonstration, for all the organizations that can influence the reparations process, that from now on there is a new moment of collective participation in defining proposals,” he said.


Achieving the right to an Independent Technical Advisory Body to support those affected in their quest for fair and full reparations is the result of many struggles over the last seven years.  It should be noted that  the presentation of the consultancy takes place during the week of the International Day of Struggles against Dams, March 14, a time to strengthen the territories through  strategies and political demands for security and reparation of rights violated by large dam projects in Brazil.


Adai  arrives in Espírito Santo with the mission of helping to repair the serious economic, social and environmental consequences caused by the Mariana dam collapse.




Presentation by the Independent Technical Office of Dam-Affected People

Date: Friday (17).

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: ES Legislative Assembly – Dirceu Cardoso Plenary. 


Press information:

Adai Communications Team: [email protected]