Field trips at Pará

On June 19, 20 and 21, 2019, the Interstate Agricultural Development Association (Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola Interestadual – ADAI), through the project “Use of Social Technologies to Reduce Deforestation” financed by the Amazon Fund and in partnership with the BNDES, held three field days in the municipalities of Rurópolis, Trairão and Itaituba, with the participation of 133 people – 66 women and 67 men, including children, teenagers, young people and adults. The field days were held at km 75 of the BR 230 Transamazônica and BR 163 Cuibá-Santarém, the São Raimundo Nonato community and the Menino Jesus community.
The “Use of social technologies to reduce deforestation” project is an achievement for families affected by dams and is being carried out by the Interstate Agricultural Development Association (Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola Interestadual – ADAI) in partnership with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES), through the non-reimbursable financial collaboration concession contract No. 17.2.0254.1.